Seven Principles
Sustainable Development
We recognise the opportunity to develop the business sustainably which creates value for the benefit of our business and shareholders.

We are committed to making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate.
Fair operating practice
We will treat all current or potential employees, business partners and other stakeholders honestly and fairly and without prejudice.

The Environment
We take our environmental and social responsibility extremely seriously and we are committed to developing our business towards ecological, social and economic sustainability.
Employee relations
Our staff are our most important asset. Within our staff is embedded our standards, our culture, our business ethos and our future.

Suppliers, customers and partners
SYR strive to ensure that everyone with external trading and other relationships understand the standards of business engagement expected of them.
SYR endeavours to communicate clear messages across all audiences as befits a business of its size and reputation.

Sustainable development and governance
All Directors and managers of SYR are responsible for the ongoing regulation, enforcement of and compliance with this Policy, including its communication and review. The directors will agree an appropriate level of monitoring and reporting against any set targets.
1.1 Sustainable development
Our aim: use our sustainability strategy to create value for the benefit of our business and our stakeholders. The Company is committed to a policy of growth through organic development, acquisition and partnership. In adopting this Policy, the directors recognises the opportunity to develop the business sustainably which creates value for the benefit of our business and shareholders. In being a responsible business, we recognise that as well as facing some risks, we can capitalise on some commercial opportunities which can bring benefit to SYR without damage to the environment.
As manufacturers we are in a unique position to play an active role in working with distributors and end users to demonstrate the benefits of using new innovation and cleaning best practices to support sustainability. Stakeholders are increasingly interested in our ethical and environmental performance and the positive contribution this can make to our business and we accept the responsibility of communicating this clearly and honestly. We also recognise that operating efficiently will contribute cost savings and a positive contribution to profitability.
1.2 Governance
Our aim: to be the world’s leading and most profitable business in the sector whilst maintaining the principles adopted in this Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. SYR is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in its business activities in the UK and overseas. The directors are committed to implementing effective measures to prevent, monitor and eliminate unethical and illegal practice.
The Company is committed to high standards of corporate governance. The directors are accountable to the Company’s shareholders for good governance, and is committed to ensuring that sound principles of corporate governance are applied throughout SYR in accordance with relevant legislation, the Company’s articles of association and all relevant regulatory requirements.
The Directors of SYR are collectively responsible for the long term success of the company. As such, the directors are the principal decision making forum for the Company and take advice and guidance from the Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chief Executive Officer. The directors approve annual budgets and long term strategic plans and monitor performance against budget and plans. The directors receive and approve annually audited accounts and is responsible for filing these in a timely manner at Companies House.
1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility
Our aim: to lead by example through open and public demonstration of SYR’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. The directors have demonstrated forward thinking in initiating the development of this Policy. By doing so it requires the commitment of all staff to make it work. The directors and managers will ensure that implementation of the policy is not onerous as it largely captures a broad range of existing policies, guidance, procedures and practices.
SYR is privileged to operate on a number of fine sites worldwide. This is a privilege which the Directors take seriously and responsibly and encourage full community and stakeholder engagement at all our sites. We are committed to making a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate.
2.1 Community involvement
Our aim: To be a good neighbour in all the communities we operate in. SYR has a financial impact on every community in which we operate. Our operations have the potential to cause disturbance to local residents, especially through traffic movements, machinery and vehicle noise, light pollution and emissions. We want all our unit management teams to make a contribution to a mitigation plan against negative impacts and to be encouraged to be involved in community initiatives and projects.
2.2 Education and culture
Our aim: to encourage young people to learn about the cleaning sector from an academic and potential employment point of view. As an employer in the sector and often within the local community, SYR recognises it has an important role in engaging with young people. We have the skill and knowledge to offer young people guidance and mentoring and such opportunities should be encouraged.
Fair operating practice
3.1 Anti-corruption and behavioural expectation of staff
Our aim: to treat all current or potential employees, business partners and other stakeholders honestly and fairly and without prejudice SYR requires that all employees, irrespective of their function, grade or standing, observe the followings Standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities; SYR employees must practice honesty and integrity in every aspect of dealing with other employees, customers, suppliers, other business partners, communities and government authorities.
Neither SYR nor any of its employees shall make illegal or improper payments or bribes and will refrain from participating in any corrupt business practices. Neither SYR nor any of its employees may accept payments, gifts or other kinds of reimbursement from a third party that could affect or appear to affect their objectivity in business decisions.
Employees should avoid entering into situations where their personal, family or financial interests may be in conflict with that of SYR. Where any such potential conflict of interest arises, the employee should disclose this and seek advice from their line manager.
3.2 Fair competition and engagement with competitors
Our aim: to participate alongside competitors in open and legal forums such as trade association events and meetings and to show leadership in business integrity and probity whilst protecting the best interests of SYR. As a major player in the sector, SYR has an important leadership role within a local, national and international context and its full participation in trade bodies is expected. Staff are to be encouraged to be involved in sector initiatives where common goals are critical such as in areas of research, health and safety and product standards are in the interest of SYR. Such matters are an opportunity for SYR to set a benchmark and to ensure that fair competition is not undermined by poor working practice, unsubstantiated claims or other deficient behaviour. As a business, we are open to visits from competitors as individuals or as groups/trade bodies as we see this as important for benchmarking and it encourage reciprocal learning for our staff.
It is absolutely forbidden for any SYR employee to engage in discussions which would be regarded as anti-competitive behaviour. If such an attempt is made at an open trade meeting, any SYR employee in attendance should withdraw and report the matter to a Company Director.
3.3 Promoting social responsibility externally
Our aim: by taking a leadership role in adopting a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, SYR will encourage its suppliers, customers and other business partners to adopt at the very least the basic principles of CSR. We are fortunate to be trading in a sector which has almost entirely adopted key elements of ethical and responsible practice. There is always room for further improvement across all disciplines within our trading partners and we will through example, help to raise standards of practice throughout the supply chain.
The Environment
We take our environmental and social responsibility extremely seriously and we are committed to developing our business towards ecological, social and economic sustainability. Our approach is on a group wide basis, embracing all our sites with dedicated group resources together with the individual responsibilities at each of the sites.
4.1 Prevention of pollution and environmental impact
Our aim: to operate all our facilities within all applicable laws, regulations and permits and to seek cost-effective improvements. The Company works to continuously reduce its environmental impact. We work diligently to ensure current or better standards are applied across SYR.
4.2 Sustainable resource use
We will consider all viable ways to be more sustainable. We will consider the way we use resource by preventing and reducing waste, being more efficient in the way we use resources and using more renewable resources.
4.3 Housekeeping
Our aim: to create and maintain high standards of housekeeping at all our sites; to maintain appropriate levels of hygiene and cleanliness. We expect a high level of cleanliness and organisation. This not only means sites are impressive for visitors, which is important but in providing a clean working environment (within the context of a manufacturing process) we have a better and safer working environment for all of our staff. Good housekeeping also helps to ensure prevention of incidents, spillages and control of environmental impact such as dust and waste.
4.4 Climate change mitigation and efficient use of resources
Our aim: to reduce where economically and commercially viable our environmental impact by means of energy, transport and materials efficiency, reduction of fossil fuels, waste and packaging. As a business, SYR is continuously improving its materials handling through waste minimisation and maximising recycling. The very nature of our business drives us to maximise material utilisation.
As a manufacturer, we are high consumers of electricity. We take measures to monitor usage and endeavour to manage wasted usage. When funds allow and where practical solutions exist, we will invest in equipment which meets the highest level of efficiency ratings.
We are aware of the environmental and social impact of transporting our raw material and finished goods and work with our transport partners to continuously improve logistics management. Our dispatchers ensure that loading is maximised within legal limits and volumes per load is monitored and reported.
Employee relations
Our staff are our most important asset. Within our staff is embedded our standards, our culture, our business ethos and our future. Scot Young Research Ltd faces a number of challenges and opportunities and how we motivate and sustain our workforce will determine our success as a business.
5.1 Employee relations
Our aim: to be an employer of choice and to create a workplace environment where all employees feel valued, supported and informed. SYR is a non-discriminatory employer and our management strive to achieve a culture based on responsibility, excellence and respect which builds on the talent of our workforce. It is the policy to treat all current or potential employees fairly and without prejudice. SYR is committed to eliminating any unfair or discriminatory practices should they occur.
All employees will be given the opportunity to progress on merit without regard to their gender, marital or parental status, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, age or disability. We are committed to fair pay and benefits.
This ethos is embedded in business practice through employment and other procedures and policy. We wish to actively encourage more employee participation in the workplace, in suggesting ideas, improvements and contributing more proactively to the development of the company at all levels.
5.2 Health and safety
Our aim: to provide our staff with a safe and healthy working environment, to ensure everyone has the knowledge and ability to operate safely. SYR is committed to achieving the best practicable standard of health and safety for our employees, customers and visitors. SYR has developed a Health & Safety Management System and is committed to global Health and Safety leadership with respect to its employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, visitors, shareholders and its communities. To attain this commitment, Scot Young Research Limited conducts its business in accordance with the principle of beyond compliance and collaboration.
We strive to achieve continuous improvement, risk prevention, cost effective development of human resource and the reduction of loss and prevention of harm. HSMS is core to our business and a key indicator of organisational excellence. We believe all incidents and injuries are preventable and that every employee is expected to actively participate in our health and safety efforts.
5.3 Staff development
Our aim: to motivate our staff to achieve the highest possible standards of work through training, education and communication. SYR are looking to improve staff learning & development throughout the business for the purpose of developing and utilising skills that in the past, to some degree have gone unrecognised. It has been identified through learning needs analysis, that we have a wide range of experienced and highly skilled employees at all levels of the business, their knowledge and experience can be utilised in such a way the business can only profit through continual growth.
SYR have introduced a training scheme and are working to improve our modern apprenticeship programme, running alongside this is the introduction of job talks for all staff, this will identify how and who will require what training and when: in turn, our career succession plan will be visible and active.
Suppliers, customers and partners
The first principle of dealing with third party businesses is the adoption of a fair and ethical approach to all our dealings. As individual employees, our people have the responsibility of protecting and promoting the good name and reputation of SYR.
6.1 All third-party transactions
Our aim: to have the reputation of a company that third parties want to do business with, that they feel comfortable in dealing with SYR
SYR strive to ensure that everyone with external trading and other relationships understand the standards of business engagement expected of them, that they feel responsible for the reputation of the Company and present themselves with highest degree of integrity at all times.
6.2 Engaging our customers
Our aim: to ensure we engage with our customers and respond to their needs by providing a wide range of products, services and information to maximise their own commercial aspirations sustainably. SYR is aware from informal research and direct dialogue that there is an increasing customer awareness of environmental and social issues. This places an expectation on us to offer information, products and services to help them create more sustainable business with their customers and ultimate consumers. We can help our customers in finding affordable products to support their sustainable agenda and those further down the supply chain.
6.3 Our suppliers and other partners
Our aim: to ensure that there is a mutual benefit in dealing with SYR and that our suppliers and other partners have confidence in the value of doing business with us. Our business has a direct impact on the environment and lives of people all over the world and we are committed to doing business in a way which ensures that everyone in our supply chain benefits from trading with us.
We believe that protection of the environment, high workplace standards, good health and safety and fair pay and employment conditions are all elements of a successful, professionally run business and contribute to its efficiency and productivity.
Our aim: To provide honest, clear and helpful information at appropriate levels of detail to all employees, customers, suppliers, the public and other stakeholders. SYR strives to communicate clear messages across all audiences as befits a business of its size and reputation.